HF Update – 8 December 2024

HF Update – 8 December 2024

Youth on the Air

Republic Of Korea, HL. Special event station HL0YOTA is active during the month of December during the Youth on the Air operating event. QSL via ClubLog.

Egypt, SU. Special event station SU8YOTA is active during the month of December during the Youth on the Air operating event. QSL via ClubLog.

Latvia, YL. Special event station YL24YOTA is active during the month of December during the Youth on the Air operating event. QSL via ClubLog.

Bosnia-Herzegovina, E7. Special event station E71YOTA is active during the month of December during the Youth on the Air operating event. QSL via ClubLog.

Belgium, ON. Special event station OQ24YOTA is active during the month of December during the Youth on the Air operating event. QSL via ClubLog.


Netherlands, PA. Special event stations PA24XMAS, PD24ELF and PI24XMAS are active until the end of December. QSL via operators’ instructions.

Finland, OH. Celebrating the Christmas Holiday Season, the OH9A team is once again active as OG1XMAS on all bands and modes between 1 and 24 December. QSL via LoTW (preferred), Club Log’s OQRS, or direct to OH1NOA.

Poland, SP. Celebrating Christmas and the New Year, special call signs HF0CLAUS and SP0CLAUS will be active from 6 December to 6 January. QSL via the bureau, eQSL, or direct to Dariusz Florczyk, ul. Kozminska 35, 63-330 Dobrzyca, Poland.
 Other special call signs for the festive season include 3Z0XMAS (Poland), EG7FN (Spain, 10 to 25 December), II2XMAS (Italy, 29 November to 6 January), LY24XMAS (Lithuania, 1 to 31 December), OE65XMAS (Austria, 20 December to 6 January), OZ4XMAS (Denmark), PD2025HNY (Netherlands, 23 to 31 December), TM2024MC (France), VK6SANTA (Australia, 1 to 24 December) and YR8XMAS (Romania, 1 December to 5 January). See their qrz.com‘s pages for more information.

Australia, VK. I am thrilled to announce a very special holiday treat for all radio enthusiasts and their families: This year, Santa Claus has been granted an official Australian call sign — VK6SANTA! To celebrate, I will be operating an Amateur Radio Net each day, giving children (and the young at heart) a chance to talk directly with me over the airwaves. Whether you would like to share your Christmas wishes, ask about life at the North Pole, or just chat with Santa, I would love to hear from you! The net will be operated daily from 1 to 24 December on 40, 20, 10 and 2 metres.

Disabled Persons

Croatia, 9A. Promoting IARU Region 1’s Programme for Disabled Radio Amateurs, members of the Croatian Amateur Radio Association (HRS) will activate special call signs 9A24PDRA, 9A24PD and 9A24D starting on 3 December (the International Day of Persons with Disabilities) until the end of the year. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log and QRZ Logbook.

Other DX
Belgium, ON. UBA Section Bruxelles-Est (ON5UB) will be active as OR80NUTS between 13 and 15 December to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. The suffix of the special call sign is General Anthony C. McAuliffe’s famous single word reply in response to a surrender ultimatum. QSL via operator’s instructions

Slovenia, S5. Special event station S525PMC will be active from 5 December to 5 January 2025 to promote the PMC Contest, sponsored by the Radio Club Slovenj Gradec (S59DCD). The International Association of Peace Messenger Cities was established in 1988 to recognize and encourage the role and responsibility cities have in creating a culture of peace. The PMC Contest, promoting contacts between stations located in the Peace Messenger Cities and the rest of the world, will be held on 4 and 5 January. Complete information can be found on https://www.s59dcd.si/index.php/sl/ww-pmc/ww-pmc-contest-rules. QSL via eQSL.!