Dennis Green, ZS4BS is the IARU Region 1 HF Beacon Coordinator hf-beacon@iaru-r1.org
The Region 1 HF Beacon Coordinator deals with all matters relating to beacons at frequencies below 30 MHz within Region 1 and within the general policy for HF beacons laid down by the IARU Administrative Council (AC). The Coordinator takes due account of decisions and recommendations arrived at by a General Conference and the Executive Committee.
The Coordinator works with Region 1 Member Societies and in conjunction with the Beacon Coordinators in Regions 2 and 3, to achieve the most effective geographical distribution of beacons and the most efficient use of spectrum. He encourages innovation, the adoption of high technical standards and the use of the beacons in propagation research projects.
He promotes the widest possible awareness of the beacon service, ensuring that Member Societies and the amateur radio community generally are at all times fully informed about developments.
From time to time, he informs the EC about progress in implementing the regional plan, drawing its attention to difficulties as they arise. He submits an annual report to the EC and, immediately before a General Conference he reports on his work over the previous three years for the general information of Member Societies.
The Coordinator works closely with the Region 1 HF Committee and may, after consultation with the HF Committee chairman, participate in their meetings.