Benefits of membership

What do YOU get as a member of the SARL?


The SARL organises and manages 9 contests throughout the year. Each contest has a specific award attached to it. How well can you do in these contests? There’s a contest to satisfy every facet of Ham Radio. Look up the contest details and rules on the contest page.


The SARL presents a whole range of awards to members each year at the annual prize giving dinner. There are awards and trophies for a wide spectrum of activities from contesting to on-the-air activities, to contributions to the hobby and radio and electronic science and in recognition for service to fellow radio amateurs. See the list of awards.

Radio ZS

An international standard journal featuring news, information, technical articles and club news published monthly for members.

QSL Bureau

The SARL QSL bureau is the Amateur Radio post office, offering sending and receiving of QSL cards from Bureaux around the world at a fraction of the normal postal rates.

Reciprocal Licensing Information

The League offers its members information and application details on reciprocal and guest licences throughout the world. If you wish to use your South African Ham licence in another country we can tell you how.

EMC Advice

The League’s EMC experts have intervened and successfully assisted many members in resolving EMC and interference problems. The League is also represented at the SA Bureau of Standards EMC committees and regularly safeguard the interests of Radio Amateurs.

Member’s Advertisements

Radio ZS carries HAMADS free to members. Advertise to sell or purchase equipment and services in this monthly magazine.

On-the-Air News Bulletins

Listen to the SARL weekly news bulletin that provides up to date news and information affecting Amateur Radio and the SARL, both at home and abroad. The bulletin is on the air on Sunday mornings and is repeated through the week courtesy of affiliated clubs.

What does the SARL do for Amateur Radio?

Government Liaison

The SARL represents the interests of Amateur Radio in South Africa at all levels of government. The SARL liaises almost daily with ICASA, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa. ICASA determines regulatory policy and is an important contact point for the SARL in determining the regulatory environment in which Amateur Radio operates, nationally and internationally.

Radio Amateur Examinations

The SARL sets, marks and administers the Radio Amateur’s Examination (RAE) on behalf of ICASA to the benefit of all aspiring Radio Amateurs.

Band Planning and repeater licencing

The SARL’s technology subcommittee draws up and administers the national Amateur Radio Band Plan in line with international agreements and recommendations through its HF and VHF managers.

Hamfests and Conventions

SARL organises and hosts a number of national and international events each year, inviting participants from around South Africa and the whole of Southern Africa. These are listed in the diary of events.

News Bulletins and Magazine programme

The weekly SARL news bulletin and Amateur Radio Mirror International carry news, information and items of interest to all Radio Amateurs at home and abroad.

Intruder Watch – SARLMS

Operated by the SARL to monitor and have removed non-amateur intruders into the amateur bands. The Intruder Watch has successfully had many non-authorised stations from both South Africa and elsewhere removed through its close association with the regulatory authorities in South Africa and neighbouring countries.