Aims, Objectives, and Portfolios


  • Recognition of the SARL by Government as the representative of Amateur Radio in South Africa
  • Deregulation and simplification of the Amateur Service in South Africa
  • Expansion of the Amateur Radio service in Southern Africa
  • Acknowledgement of the Radio Amateur’s role in society
  • Promotion of Amateur Radio in schools as the best entry point into the fields of Science and Technology


  1. To encourage, develop and promote all activities connected with Amateur Radio, wireless communications, computer science and radio science generally
  2. To provide League members with a channel for negotiation with the authorities
  3. To give members the advantage of collective representation and control in all matters affecting Amateur Radio
  4. To protect Amateur Radio frequency allocations
  5. To promote international goodwill and understanding
  6. To promote recognition for Amateur Radio in all spheres of society in South Africa
  7. To provide emergency communications in times of disaster by means of Amateur Radio


The League will promote and negotiate a legal and regulatory environment that:

  • Acknowledges and permits the Amateur Radio Service
  • Sees Amateur Radio as a “Service”
  • Allocates all Amateur Bands allocated by the ITU Radio Regulations
  • Offers licensing opportunities to ordinary citizens
  • Allows frequent examination opportunities
  • Encourages the full range of amateur service activities
  • Provides low or no duties on imports
  • Facilitates reciprocal and guest licensing.

Adopted by the members at the 1996 Annual General Meeting

Also read about the Counsellors, portfolios, and working groups.